LITE↯BLOX with extended 5-year material guarantee

As an engineering company based in Germany, we set high standards for all LITE↯BLOX products, true to our credo of "quality before quantity".
In this context, we have always offered our customers comprehensive service & support for all products sold since day 1 (general assessment, measurement of battery cells & replacement of individual components if required)...

A self-image that we now share with the LITE↯BLOX material guarantee in a promise -beyond the legal warranty- to our customers as already announced:

  • valid for defects in material or workmanship within a period of 5 years from delivery
  • is valid for all 01.05.2020 to the new conditions products sold (serial number: #F???-LB??XX)
  • older products can use a corresponding, Chargeable upgrade also be covered
  • except This includes the "LBtrack" / "LBbike" product series, as well as peripherals not included (adapter plates, chargers, etc.)