Heavy was yesterday: LITE↯BLOX BASIC

As the only German manufacturer of lithium-based starter batteries with our own development, production & customer service in accordance with ISO 9001 LITEWERKS engineering consistently high standards for all our products and only use premium components from certified suppliers.

Our new LITE↯BLOX BASIC series comes in a plastic housing in accordance with DIN EN 50342 and offers a fully-fledged replacement for the heavy and technologically outdated lead-acid battery in various applications.

Whether for everyday use, motorhomes or PV systems - we have the right solution for YOUR application and now also offer LiFePO4 storage batteries* in proven quality with the "STORE" series:


* With effect from 01.01.23, the legislator has exempted smaller solar systems (photovoltaics) from the sales tax, which makes alternative decentralized energy generation more attractive for end users of solar energy.
The new regulations have also reduced the formalities involved in generating your own electricity, meaning that the amount of bureaucracy involved in installing and feeding your own PV system into the grid has been significantly reduced.
The exemption applies to systems on single-family homes up to 30 kWp / on multi-family homes with 15 kWp per residential or commercial unit / for several solar panels with a total of up to 100 kWp belonging to one person.
This tax exemption also applies to all components of the solar system (PV system, stand-alone system, balcony power plant, off-grid...) such as LiFePO4 LFP lithium iron phosphate battery storage, solar module, inverter, electricity meter), regardless of the application for which the electricity is ultimately used. - Further information on smartsteuer.de