Ladies' special on International Women's Day

LITE↯BLOX promo for all the car crazy girls out there!

As part of the International Women's (Struggle) Day on 08.03.23 we grant a limited special with 10% Discount on all products in our LITE↯BLOX online store.


  1. convince yourselves that you really are a lady : )
  2. ordered via our Online store the items of your choice (limited to one order per lady!)
  3. redeems the discount code "lady" for 10% discount on the order at checkout


The duration of the promotion is from 00:00 to 23:59 on 08.03.23.
During this period, end customers (B2C) of the female gender will be given the opportunity online,
to take advantage of the promotion with the above discount code via the LITE BLOX online store.
Only one order per user possible & only while stocks last!
LITEWERKS GmbH expressly reserves the right to terminate the promotion without prior notice or without giving reasons and to cancel unlawfully discounted orders (this applies in particular to any reasons that would disrupt or prevent a scheduled process).


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